Extentrac® Elite

Extentrac® Elite M3D incorporates 3 Dimensional non-surgical spinal decompression. Its patented technology provides the spine care specialist with a conservative, safe, and effective means of applying customized spinal decompression combined with the synergy of evidence-based therapeutic protocols.

Clinical experience and worldwide use in rehabilitation hospitals and pain management clinics demonstrate Extentrac® Elite’s effectiveness in patients with back pain, when distraction of the spinal vertebrae can produce beneficial results. Optimal candidates for M3D (multi-directional disc decompression) treatment are those who, on the basis of neurological deficits and examination findings, are not immediate candidates for surgery. Extentrac® Elite’s patented M3D technology and wide range of evidence based applications is commonly used as a primary musculoskeletal treatment intervention or as a co-treatment in combination with epidural injections, physical therapy, chiropractic, and medical manual therapy to affect spinal rehabilitation outcomes.

Its FDA indications for use include relief from the major causes of mechanical back pain including lumbar disc herniation (protrusion), disc bulge, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, radiating leg pain, low back pain and localized back pain.

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